viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

This week analysis.

This week I have been the analyst of my group.

These are my thoughts about Broken Dreams group work during this week:

What was the best part of the activity? The best part of the activity this week has been the interesting approach that has been explained at class.

o What was the worse? From my point of view I think that the worse thing has been the fact that we only have watched slides to put and for this reason is more difficult to put in practice the concepts that have been explained this week.

o What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)? And what was the worse? Well, I consider that this week we haven’t made any group activity about this subject and for that reason we haven’t any opinion about this topic.

o What have you learnt? We have learned about a new kind of approach about not only the implementation of technology in the classroom but also to know the different variables that are related to the process of teaching and learning in an educational context.

o What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks? In my opinion we have to conserve our motivation for making the practices, as last week did.

o What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks? Finally I think that we can improve as a group a more flexible distribution of our group work attending to each role's objectives and work.

See you,

Paloma Mª

My experience as facilitator.

Last week I was facilitator of my group. I think that it isn't difficult because my group worked together and when we coldn't finish our work, we did it in our houses.

In my opinion, I hadn't had a lot of problems to divide "homework".  All people worked and finished their work in time. Then I hadn't get some idea what I must do, but I tryed to watch my partners and I helped them when they couldn't do something.

Juan was "Star", I think that he did it gorgeuos, he and me sent e-mails with work and we completed our labor. He is excellent with laptop and he gave way to work, I liked it.

Adriana was "Analyst" she worked well, she went to all classes and she tryed to understand English and to do our labor.

Paloma was "Journalist" she worked well, but she didn't know how she must to do a summary, but she tryed to do it.

I think that last week our presentation was very good, Juan did his labor so good and me and my other partners did our parts well. I have a good feeling with the group. But we must work hardly.

I like working as facilitator because I love having everithing under control. We did a very goog labor.

I have searched what a lider must to do and I saw it.

A good lider must know:

It is in Spanish, I'm sorry, but it says that a lider must know:

  1. Know what she/he wants.
  2. Be a team player.
  3. Not be afraid of the risk.
  4. Be loyal and honest.
  5. Like new challenges.
  6. Know his/her weakness.
  7. Know his/her qualities.

See you next week,
Cristina :)

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

My weekly role: The star.

Being a star is not an easy job and as I noticed the star’s labour may be more difficult than I expected. The main matter of this week has been the TPCK Speed Dating so my principal aim was the preparation of a well-made presentation. In reference to this point, being the presenter has some commitments: first of all, you HAVE to know about you are trying to explain, therefore, you don't have any other choice but to read several times the text and doing some rehearsals in order to get self-confidence and some basic knowledge. In fact, the more preparation you spend in your explanation, the more confident and clear will be your speech.
 There is another regard which results so interesting and it is the nerves avoidance; we can talk about the whole text but, however, nerves impede us to make a good presentation, that’s a pity! Consequently, nerves controlling will be another of the main star’s obligations. In reference to nerves… what happen when we are so nervous and we have no words to describe our explanation? One of the main results from this situation is the lack of attention. In this way, the star of the group has not only to prepare his exposition, speed dating in the case which we are dealing with, and trying to remove her nerves but she also has to grab the audience’s attention. Thus, the star has to create a bidirectional explanation and also making some gestures because we should remember that the talk-show moderator is also a person who has feelings and movements and he is entitled to show them in regard to what he is explaining. 
Once I have written about what the star work is, I am going to make my personal opinion after having occupied this job during this week. First, I have to say that I like to be the group’s star, I like to improvise all contents and, although I have a subject’s mental scheme I finish improvising all the things which I say. On one hand, I have to say that five minutes are not enough time in order to make a good presentation as I wanted to make and, indeed, you have no time to make questions, to ask to the audience or to create a good attention relationship between the star and viewers. On the other hand, I have to admit despite the short amount of time and all the information which I tried to say, people looked so interested (or they act very well…haha) in the poster and speech. What else? ...I think that’s all! Finally, I hope next group’s members will do also a good labor as star ;-).


TPCK Speed Dating

Hi, this is Juan from Broken Dreams and this week I am the star of the group.
(This image has been created by Juan Martínez Vivancos, 2012).

I am going to talk about Technological Pedagogical Content and, concretely, about Knowledge. If we think about Technology we have to keep in mind that Technology has changed schedules and customs in human work. In this sense, Technology advance has caused a main problem: how to apply this one to the educational area. In regard to this point, if we look through history we can see how at the beginning pedagogues thought that Teaching Knowledge came from Pedagogy and Content but there was not an association between them, they were two separated spheres. Later, thanks to Shulman, in 1986, he would affirm that Knowledge of the Teaching process was a relationship between Content and Pedagogical Knowledge and because of this connection we would obtain the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK will be explained later on…).
Next, the advance of technology would origin a new Knowledge conception. Technology started to play an important role at educational area and in this sense many pedagogues started to think that Technology also contributed to the Teaching Process’s configuration. Nevertheless, Technology appeared in classrooms as a different sphere, that is, Technology was used with certain frequency but teachers did not realise that it was contributing to improve the Knowledge in a direct way.
Finally, in 2006, thanks to Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler, they would indicate that Technology is also a component which produces benefits to Knowledge and educational area. Consequently, the association of Technology would cause the TPCK’s (Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge) creation. Thus, Technology, Pedagogy and Content would be three main spheres which are not separated but they are in cooperation and interdependence.
Due to this association we obtain three main connections as we can see in the second Venn’s Diagram of the poster;
First of these associations we can find Pedagogical Content Knowledge which is the relationship between Content and Pedagogy. Content is a transcendental point in the Knowledge of Teaching process but Pedagogy involves all strategies and mechanism which allow us to put into practice all that information which we know. In this sense, I know some music teachers who are virtuoso with the instrument but, however, they have not the necessary pedagogical part in order to transmit Knowledge to their students.
Next connection we find is Technological Content Knowledge which is the relationship between Technology and Content. In this point the advance of Technology has caused its implantation in schools and, therefore, contents are not exempt of these new modifications. In reference to this regard, we should know which new changes might produce the use of a specific kind of Technology.
Finally, we find the third association in Technological Pedagogical Knowledge which studies the relationship between Technology and Pedagogy. This is an important point since Technology is at all our homes and, indeed, we know how to use it, we know how to turn on lights, TV, computer, we know how to communicate by mobile phones, etc… What is really interesting is how to apply Technology into the educational area and, in this way Pedagogy is the main instrument which provides us the necessary strategies in order to make it possible.
Thus, TPCK will be a sharing among three principal spheres: Content, Pedagogical and Technological Knowledge and three main associations:  Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Technological Content Knowledge and Technological Pedagogical Knowledge. Consequently, we could affirm that TPCK is the nuclear centre of the diagram which coordinates the Knowledge’s configuration.
To conclude, we should have a look at the application of TPCK to Pedagogy. TPCK’s use into pedagogical area has originated four central features with which we have to take care if we want to extrapolate TPCK to Pedagogical perspective in a suitable way.
First, we find Inappropriate design of software. As the text says the most part of software programs are about business and work. Therefore, in this sense the principal goal of teachers will be trying to generalise these tools to the educational area in order to get better formation in children.
Next, we find the Rapid rate of technology change. This point is quite obvious, we are in 21th Century; technologies grow in a fast way and in twenty years technology will not be the same as it is right now so teachers have to be in touch to new changes in media world so as to implant them continuously into educational area.
Then we find the Situated nature of learning. In reference to this applicative feature we should be aware about consequences which may produce the use of a specific kind of technology. In fact, Technology is not equal for all students and situations and because of this difference teachers should study every circumstance in order to get the best result thanks to the application of a precise type of Technology which is convenient in each case.
Finally, there is another important point in TPCK’s application to Pedagogical area which is An emphasis in what, not how. Teachers should focus in what Technology, what Content and what Pedagogy they are going to put into practice, they should pay attention to what objectives and competences they want to develop in children.  Therefore, How, that is, in what manner to transmit and improve Knowledge will be provided by reactions and responses from children once TPCK takes part in classroom’s environment.

(All the explained information is gathered on the next poster).

(This poster has been created by Broken Dreams; 2012. From Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge, Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler; 2006).


                                                                                                                                                      Juan ;-)

Anlaysis about TPCK exposition

We are going to explain our point of view about the the TPCK poster and star's skills speed dating from different groups:
Group 1.- The group's start presented a good poster with a clear exposition. However, we think that she needed more self- confident in order to make a atractive presentation.

Group 2.- The second group is one of our favorites. The start of this group had a clear and schematic diagram, also, he explained notions in a suitable way and we could learnt quickly the concepts which he wants to transmit us.
Group 3.- The third group had a good beginning. She was very sure of herself and she explained very well the information. Nevertheless, as a bad point we could said the poster contained too information.
Group 4.- In a similar way as the third group, the start of this group was very clear in the explanation. However, she had some difficulties with the poster. Consequently, her explanation was not as enjoyable as the other ones, but we could learn the concept that she wants to give us.Group 5.- From our point of view this group had an amazing start. She is english and she speaks very well her maternal language. She presented a clear and good poster and she knew how to explain the poster and it was obvius that she had prepared her presentation. Because of this good exposition, we learnt all the concepts which she have said.
Group 6:
The star of this group explained very well and we could learn the principal concepts that she has explained. Hovewer I think that her poster was very simplified.

Group 7.- Finally, group number seven had a beginning which was very keen, the star wanted to do an enjoyable explanation including all the main concepts. One bad point was the poster had also too information.

See you! By: Adriana Guillén Martínez; Group's Analyst and Broken Dreams Group.

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Analysis TPCK Practice.

Hello, I am Adriana Guillén Martínez, this week I have been a analyst of my group. Now, I am going to introduce you to my analyst:

1.- What was the best part of the activity?

The best part of the activity was when we did the work because each of us gave his/ her information and we could learn a lot.

2.- What was the worst part? The worst part this week has been that each of us must read in his / her house one part of the work and you could not ask your colleagues if you had any doubt or you want comment some interesting.

3.- What was the best moment of the week? When we helped each other to start to do the scheme of the work. We were really enjoyed.

4.- What have you learnt? Professionally, we have learnt the importance to the teachers` pedagogical knowledge, the content knowledge and finally, the technological knowledge (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge TPCK), according to Punya Mishra and Matthew Koehler' theory which had been influenced by Shuman's theory. Personally, we have known more about ourselves and we have learnt to work in group in an efficacy way.

5.- What do you need to keep -as a group- for the next week? We must work in group always, although each of us have their own task, we must think that the work belongs to all the members of the group.

6.- What do you need to improve - as a group- for the next weeks? For the next weeks I think that we must help more to starts of the group, because his task is the most important and reflect the work of the week.

Written by Adriana Guillén Martínez.

1st and 2nd Practice.

Hi I’m Paloma Mª, and this week I’m journalist.

In the first place I am going to introduce you to our first practice made in our classroom on the 9rd February, which was called `` Illustrating Words´´, based on “Picturing Words” by Punya Mishra, who is a professor of Educational Psychology & Educational Technology at the College of Education at Michigan State University and also directs the Master of Arts in Educational Technology program.
These were the 5 words that we had to explain using visual non-verbal ways of communications (for instance illustrations, pictures, photos etc.):
  1. Belligerent

  2. Fixantly

  3. Teaching

  4. Concrete

  5. Stangnant

From my point of view I think that the most difficult words to represent were: Teaching (because it’s is associated to learning and for that reason it could be ambiguous) and Concrete (because is a very general concept that could be shown with many different pictures).

When we had to interchange our selection of pictures to group. They failed two pictures and I think that the other group had problem to guess the meaning of teaching picture and concrete picture. Meanwhile we received the pictures of ``Two women and a half’’ group’s selection of drawings and all our group guess in a proper way the other picture’s meanings: wide, admission, Indignantly, Blatant, Wide, Dismissively.

Later we interchanged our selection of words we made a debate about our thoughts related to the practice and many ideas where express like for example the importance of culture in children’s perceptions of the drawings.

Finally I would like to express my thoughts about this practice. I found interesting that when we saw a text in an illustration, it helped us to understand concepts more rapidly than when we saw a illustration without any text and I consider that educational resources’ knowledge is a very important factor for a accurate transmission of the educational information specially in infancy and childhood when kids are not ready yet to abstract ideas.


In the second place I’m going to talk you about the second practice that we have done in this subject and it’s called `` Exploring TPCK’’.
TPCK is (TPACK), builds on Shulman’s idea of PCK, is an. A teacher capable of negotiating these relationships represents a form of expertise different from and greater than, the knowledge of a disciplinary expert (say a mathematician or a historian), a technology expert (a computer scientist) and a pedagogical expert (an experienced educator).
We started our second practice on the 13th of February in our classroom when Linda gave us information (can be consulted at Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). knowledge. TeachersCollege Record. 108(6), 1017-1054) about TPCK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) and explain us its main characteristic: effective technology integration for pedagogy around specific educational subject requires developing sensitivity to the dynamic, transactional relationship between all three components and because of that teachers become to be a disciplinary, technological and pedagogical expert.
All members study and resume the text in those 2 hours of lesson and we decided to meet us on Wednesday 15th to compare each member’s point of view and we made a synthesis of what we learned about TPCK Theory.
Today Juan, our week star, have shown our work of TPCK Theory using a poster (mental mapping) to explain it in a 5 minutes- speed dating dynamic.

See you soon!!

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Our mind.

It is our presentation: our faces.

Hello! I'm Cristina Belmonte. I'm the facilitator of my group this week. This is a photo of us while we were doing an activity.

This week, the star is Juan Martínez.
The journalist is Paloma Andugar.
And finally, the analyst is Adriana Guillén.

This week all people will write in this blog for their presentation. They are going to explain their job in the group.

Good luck for all groups, and do not forget to write in our blog :)

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

Group´s Members

Hi! Our name´s group is: "Broken dreams"

We are:
           - Cristina Belmonte Aranda
           - Juan Martínez Vivancos
           - Adriana Guillén Martínez
           - Paloma Mª Andúgar Rocamora

Be free to post all what you want and if you have any doubt, please make us to know! :)